Feuerball über New Mexico

Gestern am frühen Morgen gegen 3:00 Ortszeit flog ein vier Mal hellerer Feuerball als der Vollmond über New Mexico:

“It was terrifying,” says eyewitness Susan K. Burgess. “I was stargazing outside my house near Santa Fe when the landscape started becoming very bright, as if a brilliant full moon was quickly rising from the southwest. The fireball itself [slowly moved] over the house and disintegrated with a great deal of scatter in the northwest sky.”

“The fireball was a pure emerald green, uncomfortably bright to look at,” adds Harald Edens located in the Magdalena Mountains west of Socorro, NM. “The object was disintegrating when I saw it, with pieces parallel-tracking and trailing the fireball. Those smaller pieces had all different colors–most notably red. I think it has been a piece of space junk.”

Eine den ganzen Himmel beobachtende Kamera der Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque hat den Überflug aufgenommen:

Auch auf der Site des Hobby Radioastronom Tom Ashcraft gibt es einen Film des Überflugs:

Quelle: http://www.spaceweather.com/

Bereits am 1. September flog während des Aurigid Meteor Shower ein besonders heller Feuerball über New Mexico: